Friday, October 2, 2009

Prayer – Day 5

“pray continually…” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17

How’s that for a quick memory verse? In typical Paul fashion, he gives some final instructions to the Thessalonians and includes this command. But doesn’t this sound unrealistic? How can you pray all the time? Wouldn’t you run into things with your eyes closed? Actually, Paul meant that we should be in an active relationship with God so we can communicate with him whenever and wherever we are. A while back I started praying flash prayers when I was in public. Instead of having a formal prayer time, I kept my eyes open and prayed two-second prayers for the people I saw. I prayed, God, show me how to encourage that person, or God, I pray you’ll help her; she looks upset. You can do this hundreds of times a day, and it helps you focus throughout the day. It really is possible. Give it a try!

Do you talk to God only during your prayer time? Why or why not?

Ask God to show you the moments in which you can pray for others throughout the day.

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