Wednesday, June 2, 2010

DO YOU BELIEVE IN JESUS? Would you consider yourself a Christ-follower?

Because you're reading this, you probably answered "yes" to the above questions.

So let's assume you believe in Jesus and that you are serious about following Him. If that's a safe assumption, it's probably also safe to assume that your life is decidedly different from the lives of those around you. After all, as a follower of Christ you're identified with Him in you actions and words . . . right? Its probably also safe to assume that you never miss an opportunity to talk about the difference Christ has made in you life. And that you never miss the chance to boldly defend God and His plan for the world. Right?

If you find yourself thinking that your life doesn't exactly match up with that last paragraph, you're not alone. Too often, we let opportunities to speak about Christ pass us by. Too often we hesitate to obey God's call on our lives.

Why do you think Christ-followers sometimes hesitate to take a stand for Him? What are the obstacles that stand in their way?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How does living boldly for Christ show those around you that you are 100% sure of God and His call on your life? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What does being timid about Christ say to the world about whether or not you really believe God and the promise He has made through Scripture? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

God has called you to be part of His mission. If you accept His call and live your life accordingly, you are saying to God that you believe Him and His promises. If you constantly turn away from God's call, you are communicating to Him and to others that God is not trustworthy. You are saying that you do not trust His promises.

Don't be fearful or timid. Be certain of your faith. Be sure of God's Word. Live your life boldly on mission for Him.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 3: Faithfulness at a Great Cost

Revelation 2:1-7

We don't know exactly what the Nicolaitans believed, but it was obviously a false teaching. God commended the Ephesians for testing their teachers. Instead of blindly believing everything they heard, they checked to see if what was being taught was in accordance with Scripture. If it wasn't, then they refused to listen. We should trust those God puts in authority over us, but we have to be sure we're trusting the Word of God, not just the words of humans. Of course in order to do that, we need to know what the Word says.

Are you studying the Word so you'd be ale to spot even a minor false teaching if you heard it?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 2: Faithfulness at a great cost

2 Timothy 4:1-5

Everyone likes to be told they're right; it's flattering, and it makes us feel smart. On the other hand, people don't like to be told they're wrong; it makes them feel awkward and uncomfortable. This has always been true, even for members of the early Church.

Sometime God will use people to tell us thing that are hard to hear--things that cause us to recognize we're not acting as we should. Instead of running from such teaching (or dismissing it as wrong), we need to be open to it. If we don't, then we'll leave ourselves vulnerable to false teachers who tell us exactly what we want to hear. No one is right 100 percent of the time (not even you), so never assume you don't need someone to challenge you now and then.

How do you respond when you hear difficult things that convict you?

Ask God to show you if you have the same problem these church people did.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 40: Faithfulness at Great Cost


"Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly." (1 Timothy 4:7)


I know of a youth group in which the students were in the habit of becoming very emotional during Wednesday night service. Being emotional isn't wrong, but they seemed to get emotional for no reason. The youth minister decided to test them. So he preached an impassioned talk and then asked if any of them wanted to come forward and accept Christ. The altar area was full of students! Suddenly he stopped the service and informed the teenagers that everything he'd just told them was wrong. Not a bit of it was supported by Scripture. They'd become emotional about something that was completely fake.

This danger isn't new. At the end of his third missionary journey, Paul was headed back to Jerusalem. On the way he stopped and met with the elders of the Ephesian church. He gave a farewell speech and warned the Ephesians to beware those who preach false teachings about God. Paul wouldn't be around to protect them anymore, so they had to learn to protect themselves.

We must also be on guard against false teaching. As you continue to mature in your Christian faith, you'll probably encounter false teachers. Unless you test the teaching against Scripture, you'll find you're like that youth group: Looking spiritual but having no substance.