Monday, November 23, 2009

Week 33 – A Night’s Vision: Paul in Corinth

Memory Verse

“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision; ‘Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and hard you, because I have many people in this city.’” – Acts 18: 9-10

While I was on a mission trip to Mexico, some policeman rounded up a bunch of guys in our worship service and led them outside – they walked right past me. One policeman told me they were some local gang members causing trouble. I asked if they could stay, but I was ignored. Too bad, I thought. I wish they could have heard the gospel. Suddenly I felt God leading me to tell these guys about Jesus. My response to God was that talking to gang members was not my spiritual gift. God didn’t buy it. So, scared to death, I went to the parking lot to chase down 12 gang members and tell them about Christ.

My situation was a cakewalk compared to what Paul endured. As he traveled on his missionary journeys, people routinely wanted to kill him. This always makes me wonder if Paul ever got scared. The answer must be “yes,” since in Acts 18 Paul received a special vision from God reminding Paul that God would always be with him. Armed with that confidence, Paul never wavered as he preached and taught.

God may ask us to do things that are frightening, but he’ll always be with us. And while our fear may not go away completely, we can have faith in God that he won’t let us down. This week we’ll look at how to find courage in the midst of difficult ministry moments.

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